EP | Head of Production
Jill has never turned down a challenge. When the odds were stacked against her, and the fate of all women rested on her shoulders, Jill rose to the occasion and beat Billy Gildea in their 5th grade arm wrestle. In many ways, Jill is still that 5th grader at heart, both in her sense of humor and her commitment to beating the odds. When they say it can’t be done, she finds a way to make it happen. On time and under budget. A singer, a skier, a runner, and now a mom, Jill was born to be on her feet moving. Hailing from Bridgewattahh (written in her native tongue), Jill rose to power from behind the welcome desk at Hill Holiday. She quickly gained reps producing content shoots worldwide for Reebok. She came to VAGRANTS in 2019 with an insatiable appetite to get shit done, and by god as she had done just that.